Service Reports

Learning Outcome

On successful completion of this lesson, students will understand how to generate different service reports.


Service Report Types

Reports image v17.1

EVE contains the following Service Report Types:

Customers by Stock Type Serviced

This report displays customers who have had a specific type of equipment serviced and the amount they have spent on the service during a specified time period.

Services Due

This report lists all equipment items that require a service within a specified date range.

Stock Type Serviced by Technician

This report displays the number of items that each Technician has serviced and lists the customer, stock type, manufacturer and serial number for these services.

Technician Detail Work Completed

This report displays service work completed by a Technician. It lists the quantity, stock #, work type, customer, price, tax and warranty # for these services.

Technician Detail Work Paid For

Displays details of services that have been paid for. It lists the quantity, stock #, work type, customer and invoice # by Technician.

Technician Work Completed

Displays details of services that have been completed by Technician and lists the stock #, quantity and work type for these services.

Technician Work Paid For

Displays details of services that have been paid for by Technician, and lists the stock #, quantity and work type for these services.

Service Reports Parameters

You can customise the Service reports using the Parameters Tab.

Reports image v18.1

  1. Period – Choose a time period using one of the presets or specify a date range.
  2. You can further filter Service Reports using the following fields:
    • Store
    • Manufacturer
    • Stock Type

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