Purchase Orders Overview
On successful completion of this lesson, students will understand how to access the Purchase Orders module and the sections contained within the Purchase Orders module.
On successful completion of this lesson, students will understand how to access the Purchase Orders module and the sections contained within the Purchase Orders module.
On successful completion of this lesson, students will understand how to use the Purchase Order Top-Up Wizard to top-up ideal stock levels and how to restock the store.
On successful completion of this lesson, students will understand how to use EVE to check in deliveries from a supplier, make sure a delivery is correct and check for any back-ordered items.
On successful completion of this lesson, students will understand how to use EVE to account for supplier invoices and check that invoiced items match the order and the actual delivery.
On successful completion of this lesson, students will understand how to use EVE to create a special order when a customer purchases an item that is not currently in stock and how to track the special order.