Optional Course Information

Learning Outcome

On successful completion of this lesson, students will understand how to add the following additional information to each course:

  • Course modules
  • Course start and finish information (time and date)
  • Employees (staff) who will teach the course
  • Course locations


Modules Tab

  1. Click the ‘Modules’ Tab and add or remove modules as appropriate using the arrow keys

Calendar image v10.1

Dates Tab

  1. Click the ‘Dates’ tab to allocate dates for each module

Calendar image v11.1

  1. EVE automatically selects the first module. Click on the date in the calendar panel that the selected module occurs on.
  2. EVE automatically selects next module. Repeat until dates have been allocated for each module.

Times Tab

  1. Click the ‘Times’ tab to allocate times for each module

Calendar image v13.1

  1. To allocate a time, click in the Start/End Time boxes for each module. To add 8 AM, for example, enter 08:00

Staff Tab

  1. Click the ‘Staff’ tab to allocate staff for each module

Calendar image v14.1

  1.  You will need to have previously allocated staff for the course under the ‘General’ tab – see step 7 in the previous section for how to do this.
  2. Click the ‘Apply’ button to add all staff with a tick Tick against their name to a module. If you have staff listed who will not be teaching a module simply clear the check box next to their name.
  3. To add the same staff to all modules, click the ‘Apply to All’ button.

Locations Tab

  1.  Click the ‘Locations’ tab to allocate locations for each module

Calendar image v15.1

  1. EVE automatically selects the first module. Click on the location in the left-hand panel where the selected module will take place.
  2. EVE automatically selects next module. Repeat until locations have been allocated for each module.
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