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Launch of the EVE eLearning

EVE eLearning All dive centres face the challenge of retaining the loyalty of their customers. In today’s ever tougher leisure market, promoting services to our customers is the key to sustaining business growth. To do so, the dive centre manager needs to understand who their customer is, what they want, and the best way to […]

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Welcome into the EVE World

Cras iaculis porta scelerisque. Fusce id arcu a lacus molestie rutrum. Nam viverra mauris nulla, ut porttitor nibh consequat a. Donec luctus scelerisque augue. Nullam viverra magna accumsan justo tristique, sit amet commodo felis ultrices. Mauris accumsan nisl ut enim molestie consequat. Nunc fringilla accumsan elit, quis commodo elit tristique ut. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis […]

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